Company Registration in Russia

Your company, established in Russia

VINI can help you register a company in Russia and help you to choose the most suitable form of the legal entity (LLC, OJCS, CJCS) (What is an OOO?) for your foreign business in Russia. We are also ready to consult you on various legal matters associated with the set-up of your subsidiary.

Also, we can provide you with the support concerning the accreditation of your representative office or branch office in Russia. 

Our services include:

• Preparation of the required necessary documents to open a company in Russia (including translations),

• Submission of the documents to the State Registration Chamber or other accrediting institutions and collecting them after the registration,

• Obtaining the company seal,

• Registration of the company with the Russian tax authorities,

• Registration with the Russian statistics office,

• Registration of founded company in the Russian Social Insurance Fund and Pension Fund,

• Opening a bank account.


What should you pay attention to when you found your business in Russia? 

Foreign investors can conduct their activities in Russia (importing goods, rendering services, etc.) in different ways:

• Without registration of their companies in Russia,

• Via a representative office or a branch of a foreign company in Russia,

• Via a legal entity established in accordance with Russian legislation (a subsidiary). 

Exporting goods to Russia or rendering services to Russian clients without the registration of a company seems to be quite a simple method to conduct business at first sight. However, in the process of rendering services, there can be such problems as obtaining necessary permits. Some tax questions also may need clarification (for example, the defining the exact place where services are rendered is important for VAT calculation). Often services are rendered by temporarily hired employees can eventually lead to the set-up of a permanent representative office. Also, when goods are delivered to Russia, it is essential to fulfill tedious requirements of the customs office. 

For quite a long time, representative offices and branches were the most popular forms of a foreign companies¡¯ presence in the Russian market. Today they still play an important role in the sales of goods and also in the implementation of large construction and assembly projects. However, they are not suitable for importing goods and their subsequent sales to clients.

The necessity of setting up a Russian legal entity (a subsidiary) arises when you want to participate personally in such processes as importing and selling goods in Russia. While deciding the form of a legal entity, it is essential to define in advance the way your subsidiary will be financed.

Which documents are required to register your subsidiary in Russia? 

What do I need to found a company in Russia?

1. Foundation Agreement of the parent company (a notarized copy with an apostille).

2. Charter of the parent company (with the notarized signature of its founders and an apostille).

3. Decision / minutes of the subsidiary (with the notarized signature of the founders and an apostille).

4. Extract from the trade register of the parent company (certified by the issuing authority with an apostille).

5. Guarantee letter for the provision of a legal address and a notarized copy of the Certificate of real estate ownership (we can provide you with our address to be used as your address).

6. A copy of an applicant¡¯s passport (scanned copy).

7. Power of attorney for our employees to open a temporary bank account in Russia

8. Receipt for payment of the state duty in the amount of 4,000 RUR (signed by an applicant).

9. Power of attorney for our employees to submit the constituent documents to the registration authorities and collect them after the registration. 

Process and registration period of companies in Russia (LLC)

After obtaining the required information and documentation, we will prepare the Charter and the Decision documents on the establishment of a legal entity and agree them with you.

On the basis of these documents, we will open a temporary account in a Russian bank that you choose, submit the documents for the registration and we will receive the certificate of registration.

After registration, we will order the seal for your subsidiary and organize the opening of the company¡¯s bank accounts. Then, we inform all appropriate government bodies about the formation of the new company. The entire process of a company registration in Russia takes, as a rule, 2-3 months.

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